contoh pidato bahasa inggris

kemaren sempet pusing gara - gara disuruh buat teks pidato untuk lomba beberapa hari kemudian akhirnya idenya keluar, ne postingan untuk contoh teks pidato bahasa inggris tentang belajar adalah ibadah, ne silahkan .......


الحمد لله الذي علم بالقلم. علم الانسان ما لم يعلم. أشهد أن لا اله الا الله الذي فضل بنى ادم بالعلم والعمل على جميع العلم. و أشهد ان محمد رسول الله صل الله عليه وسلم. اما بعد,
Honorable All of the judges
My beloved all participant in this speech contest
Happy audience
Ladies and gentlemen
Let’s we say thanks to Allah, because of his blessing we can attend in this place without any troubles, and shalawat and salam let’s we send to our prophet Muhammad SAW, he is only one can help us in the last day, and I hope we can get his help in the last day. Aamin.
Ladies and gentlemen
In this opportunity I want to deliver my speech entitled “Learning is Worship”
Ok, Happy audience
Learning is an activity where is a process from not knowing to be knowing, not understand to be understand, can not do anything be can do every thing to achieve an optimal result. Based on Wikipedia learning is effect of interaction between stimulus and respond. People considered had learnt something if he can show his change attitude. For example someone who has learnt about pray so he always does pray and never leave it.
In a hadist said
تَعَلـَّمْ، فَلَيْسَ اْلمَرْءُ يُوْلَدُ عَالِماً،
“Learn, because no one was born in clever condition”
Ladies and gentlemen
Learning close related with looking for science. And Looking for science is one of duties for every man and woman. Our prophet Muhammad SAW said
طلب العلم  فريضة على كل مسلم و مسلمة
In Islam, looking for science is match with development program in this country, it is long life education, so looking for science start from was born until died
Ladies and gentlemen
Looking for science is worship. People who looking for science will get reward from Allah SWT and his activity include struggle for islam principal, if the died, so their dead is martyr.
Rosulullah  said  :

من  خرج في طلب العلم فهو في  سبيل  الله  حتى يرجع

“Someone who go for looking for science, it mean he is fighting for islam until he he go home”

Happy audience
People who looking for science will raise his degree by Allah. as Allah said in Al Quran surah Al Mujadalah ayat  11    :

يرفع الله الذين آمنوا  منكم و الذين أوتوا العلم درجات

“Allah will increase degree of faith people and have science some degrees.”
And the last but no least, I wan to persuade all my friends to keep learn forever.
Ok that is my speech about learning is worship, I hope it will useful for me especially, and for us generally.
I’m sorry if there are some mistakes in my attitude, and grammatical of deliver my speech. I believe that truths come from Allah, and mistake come from my self.
وبالله توفق والهد ية و السلا م عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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